New fiber Internet connection and new server

New fiber Internet connection and new server

We've always wanted to host our Internet servers from our own office. Besides from providing more control, security, and privacy, this is also just much easier and more convenient as we are constantly tweaking and developing our web-sites.
However, until now it hasn't been possible to get a decent business Internet connection in our location (Frederikshavn, Denmark). The best the phone companies could offer was ~5Mb/512Kb consumer grade ADSL.
So we've always been forced to host our web-sites in remote data centers - most recently in Kansas, USA.

So when a new player, BredbaandNord, offering fiber Internet connections turned up on the local scene this spring, we jumped at it.
A few weeks ago we got our 50Mb/50Mb business grade fiber connection installed, and just got done moving everything from Kansas to a brand new Dell PowerEdge T300 (Xeon Quad-core / 16GB RAM) running Windows Server 2008 64bit sitting right here in our attic.

Here are a few photos:


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